Why use consultants?

As the saying goes, “asking for help doesn’t mean that you are weak, it means that you are wise.” Recognizing your organization’s strengths and knowing when an outside perspective is needed to drive greater levels of performance is the forward-thinking attitude that successful healthcare leaders embody. While sourcing the support of a consulting team isn’t always the most “popular” approach, it can be the most effective.

Avoiding Productivity Pitfalls

Managing labor has become a delicate balancing act between providing the right level of staff and keeping expenses down. Implementing a meaningful staffing model while maintaining the unique values, beliefs, and overall culture of the organization should be a hospital's primary focus to ensure sustainability. Productivity, however, is a concept that is not fully understood within the healthcare industry.

Keepin’ it Productive!

We are all familiar with the term “death by meeting.” It refers to the seemingly endless cycle of leaders having meetings to prepare for other meetings during which strategies are discussed that require more meetings to implement! It’s exhausting to say, let alone live. Instead of having a positive impact on operations, it has quite the opposite effect.

Your Budget: Stuffed Like a Thanksgiving Turkey?

The holidays are a time for indulging and even being a bit gluttonous. For many healthcare organizations, the season also marks the start of the fiscal year-end. While it is difficult not to be pre-occupied with the party-planning, dinner menus, present-buying, and the other personal distractions that come with this time of year, hospital leaders need to be diligent and focused on ensuring that their organizations are poised to successfully meet the demands of 2020! The most significant part of this preparation is a well-planned budget.

Boo! Scare Tactics that Backfire

Many healthcare leaders adopt a "tough love" approach when it comes to managing employee performance and expectations. This method may work well for some staff members, but not all will embrace the negativity it can create. Understanding your team and the styles they respond positively to is critical in realizing continued operational success and employee satisfaction.