Experience You Can Trust

Experience You Can Trust

At ALTIUS, it’s all about an effective approach. Just as we have developed our style of business, ALTIUS assists healthcare organizations, no matter the circumstance, in the same manner. We partner with hospitals and health systems to improve operational and fiscal performance; we implement customized products to suit client needs; we offer education and support as required to ensure adoptability and success; and we provide access to the data and tools necessary to track progress and instill accountability. The ALTIUS staff accomplishes all of this with a strong client focus and the least amount of intrusion. We’ve learned how to leverage our talents and services to support our clients in their goals of workforce optimization and fiscal viability. Our services are robust and the ALTIUS team of consultants collaborate to deliver results that are unparalleled.

“Being as efficient as possible – this has been and will continue to be the guiding principle that ALTIUS operates under. I am proud of each and every member of our firm who has contributed to its extraordinary reputation and works tirelessly to impart this forward-thinking business approach industrywide.”

Stephanie Dorwart – CEO

About Us








  • Before establishing a relationship with ALTIUS, our labor expenses were beyond the benchmarks for similar sized medical systems. ALTIUS provided Radiology with a proven productivity labor management system by working with us, human resources, and finance to carefully evaluate our operational trends. Subsequent to the evaluation, ALTIUS and Radiology created accurate objectives and targets. The operational dashboard and bi-weekly reports created a consistent monitoring management program. Today, the Radiology department has demonstrated a substantial improvement and we value our partnership with ALTIUS.


  • I have worked closely with the ALTIUS team over the last five years and have been thankful to partner with such great and knowledgeable people! ALTIUS has provided resources for our company to assess our staffing needs and has always helped us to drill down to the most appropriate data to provide in order to accurately portray our productivity. ALTIUS always make us feel like a priority and has gone above and beyond to ensure we are reporting reliable data and that we understand.


  • As an organization that was preparing to consolidate two facilities into a single campus operation, it was critical for us to identify our opportunities to gain efficiencies and right-size our staffing. We needed a partner who had experience in this type of analysis and possessed the team talent to assist us in executing on any staffing redesign strategies. Altius was our chosen solution.

    The execution of these initiatives was tremendously successful. Altius was an extraordinary partner in identifying opportunities and they were an integral part of the education and training of our leaders in productivity management. Their knowledge of healthcare and its specific challenges was an important part of their success in helping our leaders to find confidence in our benchmarks and targets for their areas.

    Because of our experience with the Altius team in launching a robust productivity management program for our organization, we have maintained and continued to benefit from our partnership with Altius for more than five years.


  • The reports are very beneficial as our team has committed to meeting the established targets and we have seen better controls on a daily basis. ALTIUS was very flexible in working with us to accommodate whatever “unique” situations we had in establishing the targets and worked well to get department leadership buy-in. The time to implement was quick and the fact that we have been able to stay under our overall target for the hospital has been a real benefit.


  • ALTIUS provided our leadership team with a plan to improve our performance and to monitor our progress against industry benchmarks and our individual goals. The expertise of their consulting team and the validity of their realistic recommendations delivered improvements in many operating areas. We have had a decrease of over one FTE/AOB as well as a decrease of over 5% in Personnel Expense vs Net Revenue. No matter the bed size of your hospital, to be successful you must have the RIGHT number of staff for the RIGHT type of patient care activity. The ongoing engagement continues to help us meet the organization’s strategic operating and capital spending goals.


  • Holy Family Memorial Hospital considered ALTIUS as a partner for a Performance Improvement engagement and knew quickly it would be a good fit. ALTIUS is flexible, adaptable and attentive to the needs of the organization they are working with. They spend the time to learn the organization, interview leaders and assist with the development of action plans that make a significant impact on the bottom line. HFM was able to make $10M of improvements as well as utilize a structured action plan process to benchmark productivity across the network. The work has brought a discipline to compare performance to like organizations and has generated accountability for our leaders.


  • We value the lessons learned related to efficiencies and setting targets for our departments. This relationship has made us pause to consider many options that we might not have used in the past. From cross-training to understanding when to downsize, the overall work on the project has been both insightful and helpful.

    COO - Fulton County Medical Center


Stephanie Dorwart
Chief Executive Officer

Ms. Dorwart currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of ALTIUS, supporting all active consulting engagements by overseeing project timelines, analyses and client deliverables to ensure successful outcomes. As the architect of a successful labor management system, Stephanie has poured her talents into the development and execution of Performance Improvement processes and tools for the healthcare industry for nearly 20 years.

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RandiLynn Lukac
Chief Operating Officer

Ms. Lukac brings excellence in data analytics, project management, team building and operational performance to her current position as COO at ALTIUS. RandiLynn facilitates all aspects of client engagements, from prospecting to contract execution and from data collection/assessment to project deliverables. Ms. Lukac lends her productivity and benchmarking expertise to all Performance Improvement initiatives, ensuring that realistic goals are established, meaningful recommendations are provided, and the desired outcomes are achieved.

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Julienne Custer
Vice President, Development

Ms. Custer brings a diverse background to her position as Vice President of Development with ALTIUS. Julienne’s professional talents have enabled her to successfully contribute to the firm’s Performance Improvement services for more than a decade. In addition to her client-based responsibilities, Julienne also lends her background in communications to her current role by managing all online and social media content as well as supporting all marketing efforts in order to increase brand awareness and elevate ALTIUS’ industry presence.

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Senior Consultants

The Altius team of Senior Consultants includes healthcare professionals with actual C-Suite and/or hands-on, service line experience. We have found that pairing this distinct group of consultants directly with frontline managers leads to improved practices that enhance quality, efficiency, and of course, fiscal performance. Who better to relate to the situations that currently impact healthcare leadership than those that have previously walked the same path and faced similar challenges? We, at Altius, believe it is through this professional comradery and shared experience that the greatest improvement collaboration occurs, affecting the most positive change.


This beloved team of “data nerds” is the savvy source behind the state-of-the-art tools and analytics that have become the mainstay for all Altius performance improvement solutions. Our Analysts are skilled in mathematics and computer technology in addition to having a stronghold on the pulse of current healthcare policies as they pertain to data collection and reporting. They know the power that well-organized data can yield and work with our clients to produce and harness it. It is through the efforts of the Analysts that the establishment of meaningful performance comparisons, realistic improvement objectives, and routine project monitoring practices are held at the forefront of all initiatives. The ALTIUS analytical staff also serves client leadership by being the initial contact for all tech support needs as well as the execution of ongoing project updates. The Analysts provide the “behind the scenes” expertise and customization that Altius clients expect and rely on.

Account Directors

Altius couples the wealth of industry experience brought to our services by the Senior Consultant team with the innovation and modern outlook of our Account Managers/Directors for greater project success. This group of consultants is well-versed in the business of healthcare and is skilled at infusing technology and creativity into the solutions generated for each and every client. Serving as an on-site resource, the Account Managers/Directors interface directly with client leadership to outline the details of improvement initiatives, deliver critical performance data, and execute vital management education/training. In addition, these consultants also provide off-site support to the Altius analytical staff, ensuring that every facet of client operations translates to the data that drives improvement goals. Under the astute guidance of the Altius Account Managers/Directors, realistic metrics are generated, timelines are met, and progress is tracked to ensure desired outcomes are achieved and ongoing results are delivered.