Working to the Top of Your Title

In healthcare, successful leadership is both independent and collaborative. Effective leaders understand the importance of their unique role, but rely on the input and contributions of others to truly excel. Knowing the responsibilities associated with a specific management title or position distinguishes workload distribution and controls expectations.

Management Scare Tactics that Backfire

Many healthcare leaders adopt a "tough love" approach when managing employee performance and expectations. This method may work well for some staff members, but not all will embrace the negativity it can create. Understanding your team and the styles they respond positively to is critical in realizing continued operational success and employee satisfaction.

Why use consultants?

As the saying goes, “asking for help doesn’t mean that you are weak, it means that you are wise.” Recognizing your organization’s strengths and knowing when an outside perspective is needed to drive greater levels of performance is the forward-thinking attitude that successful healthcare leaders embody. While sourcing the support of a consulting team isn’t always the most “popular” approach, it can be the most effective.