You Had Me at Productivity

Productivity management in healthcare should be a love story. It is where staff hours and operational volumes come to get married, creating lasting alignment between resources and demand so that everyone can live happily ever after. Sadly, many organizations’ experiences with productivity have been more of a bad romance.

Productivity: Lessons from the Circus

Healthcare is a high-stakes industry with “death-defying” feats performed every day. Much like a circus, leaders juggle a lot of competing priorities - strong financial performance, employee engagement, patient/staff satisfaction, and high-quality outcomes. Finding operational balance is an ongoing struggle that often feels like a tightrope act that must be mastered.

Trick or Treat? Un-masking Common Leadership Challenges

Fun fact: some of the most common Halloween costume themes actually parallel the challenges healthcare leaders routinely face. This Halloween, to avoid being “spooked,” it is important to uncover what lies beneath the surface to develop a proper response. Identifying the reason for the “mask” by unveiling the issues behind it will help to create permanent change and sustained improvement.

The Little Leader that Could

Mindset is a critical component to effective leadership, and having the right outlook can make managing the changes in healthcare less difficult. A positive attitude promotes accountability, improves communication, and helps to set realistic expectations, both for the team and the leader. The business of healthcare is unpredictable, with new mountains to climb at every turn.

Productivity in Critical Access Hospitals: Not an Alien Concept

The Martian, a New York Times Bestselling book turned popular movie starring Matt Damon, tells the story about human error, the will to survive, and the profound responsibility we carry—not only to the work we commit our lives to but also to each other. Despite being a sci-fi adventure set on Mars, there are a lot of parallels to healthcare in the Critical Access world. Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) are an integral part of the healthcare system here on planet Earth.

The Productivity Party – Part Two!

Now that summer is in full-swing, ALTIUS is “buying” another round of our favorite productivity-inspired cocktails/mocktails to keep the merriment flowing! Whether you are fireside, oceanside, tableside, or poolside – these delicious concoctions will help you cool down, chill out, and ensure the success of any event! Moscow Mule/Moscow Mule Mocktail Rumored to have been created in the 1940s as a way to introduce Americans to a then-uncommon spirit, this deceptively humble and incredibly easy to mix beverage combines vodka, lime juice, and spicy ginger beer. Perhaps the most notable aspect of this perfect-for-any-occasion cocktail is the eye-catching, textured copper mug it is traditionally served in. Whether pouring an alcoholic or mocktail version, the conductivity of the stylish vessel ensures an always frosty, deeply cold, delightful result.

The Productivity Party – Part One!

During the summer months, there is a lot to celebrate. Whether the gathering is to recognize an achievement, a milestone, or simply to share a bit of comradery, parties, like productivity, bring people together. This year, while you are toasting a birthday, the great weather, or just spending time with family and friends, consider serving up one of the ALTIUS team’s productivity-approved cocktails/mocktails! Margarita Refreshing and bold, this zesty party staple has a long history, likely dating back to the 1930s, when there were no bottled mixes or blenders.

Harnessing the Power of the Dragon

2024 is the Year of the Dragon and is forecasted to bring about opportunities, changes, and challenges. In Chinese culture, the dragon holds a significant place as both an auspicious and extraordinary creature. It is unmatched in talent and excellence, symbolizing power, nobility, honor, and success.

The ALTIUS Holiday Productivity Playlist

The ALTIUS team is excited to unveil the second installment of our Productivity Playlist. This time around we are channeling the spirit of the season through some classic holiday songs, tapping into the power of productivity once again by tying its principles to festive music. Andy Williams: It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year Routine productivity monitoring supports a streamlined budget process by aligning staffing needs with projected volumes.

ALTIUS v. the Competiton

While October is synonymous with all things Halloween, we often forget that it is also a great month for a little healthy competition! Both college and NFL football are underway, the NHL kicks off its new season, and the excitement of the MLB playoffs keeps fans on the edge of their seats. As a firm based in the great sports town of Pittsburgh, PA, ALTIUS understands the value of competition; “it is through it we discover what we are capable of and how much more we can actually do than we ever thought possible.” Our team believes that competition can be the greatest motivation for positive change, both for ourselves and our clients.