When the ALTIUS team has an initial conversation regarding performance improvement with a hospital’s senior leaders, they are often unsure of what led to their current financial challenges. The reality is that it is never one decision, one hire, or one situation that deteriorates an organization’s bottom line. It can be the choices made day-to-day within the silos of the organizational structure, delaying difficult decisions, and/or a lack of accountability that leads to the overall decline.
Tag: learning
Avoiding Productivity Pitfalls
Managing labor has become a delicate balancing act between providing the right level of staff and keeping expenses down. Implementing a meaningful staffing model while maintaining the unique values, beliefs, and overall culture of the organization should be a hospital's primary focus to ensure sustainability. Productivity, however, is a concept that is not fully understood within the healthcare industry.
Announcing ALTIUS Answers Podcast!
ALTIUS is proud to announce its new podcast series, ATLIUS Answers! Through this format, the ALTIUS team will bring thoughtful discussion to pressing topics impacting the healthcare industry, from performance improvement to employee engagement and management education. The guests featured are service-line experts, healthcare leaders, and industry innovators that provide a fresh perspective and offer proven strategies to enhance efficiency and sustainability. Tune in and join us for the first installment where ALTIUS CEO Stephanie Dorwart sits down with Mike Evans, principle and owner of Revenue Cycle Solutions, to discuss an array of current themes and how they ultimately relate to the importance of change.
Keepin’ it Productive!
We are all familiar with the term “death by meeting.” It refers to the seemingly endless cycle of leaders having meetings to prepare for other meetings during which strategies are discussed that require more meetings to implement! It’s exhausting to say, let alone live. Instead of having a positive impact on operations, it has quite the opposite effect.
Why Manage Productivity?
Why manage productivity? In the second segment of our video series spotlight on productivity, ALTIUS CEO Stephanie Dorwart explores the motivating factors behind controlling costs and establishing appropriate staffing levels through performance improvement strategies. Reinvestment back into the organization and its employees along with better service to the community are detailed among the top priorities. Watch now and let ALTIUS help elevate the application of productivity management in your hospital or health system! .