When the ALTIUS team has an initial conversation regarding performance improvement with a hospital’s senior leaders, they are often unsure of what led to their current financial challenges. The reality is that it is never one decision, one hire, or one situation that deteriorates an organization’s bottom line. It can be the choices made day-to-day within the silos of the organizational structure, delaying difficult decisions, and/or a lack of accountability that leads to the overall decline.
Tag: healthcare
The Fear of Productivity
Any healthcare consultant that focuses on productivity will tell you the mixed reactions received when sharing that you have been engaged to improve performance. Why are we, as an industry, conditioned to fear a word that brings value, accountability, and increased efficiencies to hospitals and health systems? Historically speaking, productivity was synonymously linked to a reduction in force or layoff. It is no wonder that just the mention of it could send panic across an organization, especially if previous experiences have left staff feeling lost, defeated, and defensive.
The Financial Impacts of COVID-19
The financial impacts of COVID-19 are unprecedented, crippling the operations of most healthcare organizations and leaving leaders to answer serious questions about strategies for stabilization. One of the quickest, most effective solutions is through workforce optimization. Improving performance by enhancing productivity and implementing processes to control labor costs will help hospitals and health systems to rebound in a systematic way that not only meets patient demand but ensures the right resources are in place to provide the best care.
How do you know how many FTEs you need?
With personnel expense making up more than half of the total operating cost of most hospitals and health systems, it essential to understand how many FTEs your organization truly needs to run efficiently. A Full-Time Equivalent, or FTE, is the sum of all worked or paid hours divided by the total hours in a pay period. For most organizations, that’s 80 hours per pay period or 2080 hours per year.
ALTIUS Answers Episode 3: Interview with COO RandiLynn Lukac
Productivity and workforce optimization engagements most often start off with the best of intentions. However, there are common missteps that can lead to undesirable results or negative outcomes. In the latest episode of ALTIUS Answers, CEO Stephanie Dorwart and COO RandiLynn Lukac discuss eight key elements to successful performance improvement! When messaged correctly and managed effectively, productivity engagements can create a positive culture of change focused on accountability and process improvement with a big impact.
Hiring More is Becoming Unsustainable!
According to a recent article, the turnover rate in the healthcare industry has increased by 5%, across all job categories, over the last decade, with the average hospital turning over 85.2% of its workforce since 2013 (1). These stats are staggering, considering how time-consuming and costly recruitment efforts can be, especially given the ever-shrinking candidate pool that currently exists.
Announcing a NEW Catalyst Experience!
New year, new look! ALTIUS is excited to announce that beginning in January of 2020, we will be launching our completely remodeled online client portal, Catalyst. The site will still contain all of the same great tools and features that our clients are accustomed to, but will be enhanced by several new elements that take performance improvement and productivity management even further. With a modernized look and amenities that keep it cutting edge, Catalyst is ready to move into the next decade.
Why Manage Productivity?
Why manage productivity? In the second segment of our video series spotlight on productivity, ALTIUS CEO Stephanie Dorwart explores the motivating factors behind controlling costs and establishing appropriate staffing levels through performance improvement strategies. Reinvestment back into the organization and its employees along with better service to the community are detailed among the top priorities. Watch now and let ALTIUS help elevate the application of productivity management in your hospital or health system! .
Avoid the “Black Hatters”
We are all familiar with Black Friday and the Mad Hatter, but what about the less popular Black Hatters? Unfortunately, the term "Black Hatter" does not refer to discounted shopping or a whimsical fairy tale character like the others. It carries with it a more negative connotation. Black Hatters are the "change agents," interim executives and outside resources, brought into failing organizations to make quick and dramatic vicissitudes.
Your Budget: Stuffed Like a Thanksgiving Turkey?
The holidays are a time for indulging and even being a bit gluttonous. For many healthcare organizations, the season also marks the start of the fiscal year-end. While it is difficult not to be pre-occupied with the party-planning, dinner menus, present-buying, and the other personal distractions that come with this time of year, hospital leaders need to be diligent and focused on ensuring that their organizations are poised to successfully meet the demands of 2020! The most significant part of this preparation is a well-planned budget.