Management’s Role in Improving Quality and Producing Safer Outcomes in Healthcare

With today’s advanced technologies, healthcare providers have saved more lives than ever thought possible. Miracles are happening every day. State-of-the-art equipment currently available certainly plays a role, but these miracles are due mainly to the outstanding teams of medical professionals who utilize these resources to make improved healthcare outcomes a reality.

The outcome is the primary focus of any healthcare encounter, but the manner in which the care is being delivered is also critical. The value of outstanding customer service transcends industries and most organizations rely heavily on reputation to drive revenue. Effective public interactions, media exposure, marketing strategies and word of-mouth are ways customer satisfaction can be measured for any entity.

In healthcare, having a patient become a loyal consumer, returning for care, or being willing to recommend services to friends and family members is the ultimate goal. By continuously working on improving care delivery, healthcare organizations can not only gain operating efficiencies, but build strong customer relationships and solidify a positive reputation.

Here are important factors to consider when looking into improving hospital efficiency and functionality for your facility.

Operational Assessment

Even though medical services are directly provided by clinicians and their support staff, management plays an important role in the healthcare experience. Hospital leaders receive and evaluate all patient feedback and break it down into structural data. They not only have the responsibility of maintaining and balancing the environment of the
facility, but they have to translate the impact of operations into critical financial decisions. It is their duty to get the hospital staff involved whenever necessary, keep them motivated to achieve the goals outlined by the organization, and ensure that great service is being provided in a cost-effective manner.

Given the dynamic environment of healthcare, this is not always an easy task. Strong leaders are required to develop realistic and achievable strategies for both improved fiscal and quality performance.

Regular Physician Practice Reviews

Among the best ways to improve healthcare facility efficiency in the workplace is by completing performance reviews for physicians and their team members. Whether they are done annually, bi-annually, or quarterly, they are an excellent way to encourage providers to meet goals and continually enhance the patient experience. Often, people tend to foresee performance reviews as being a negative or biased experience. However, if they are constructed in such a way that they serve to reward one’s efforts and contributions then they can have a greater positive effect.

Conducting Benchmarking Reviews and Meetings

Leadership will generally take on this particular task as it usually deals with financial references and comparison reports pertaining to revenue, productivity and expenditures. During a benchmark meeting, those present will compare key metrics, prioritize improvement opportunities and create a successful action plan for implementing change.

Other points that are reviewed during a benchmark meeting would be the facility’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis). This helps the organization to further explore, identify and analyze all of the important factors of operations and realize what potential exists.

Altius Healthcare Consulting and Intalere Labor Advantage can assist your healthcare facility in achieving peak potential. Our healthcare strategists pride themselves on challenging complacency with innovative practices, encouraging revitalization and continued sustainability for your organization. Contact us today for a free strategy session and analysis of your organization and discover how we can help you elevate performance.

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