In healthcare, productivity is crucial for managing labor costs and providing quality patient care. At ALTIUS, we offer benchmarking and operational improvement services to help hospitals work smarter, not harder. In Episode I of "May the Productivity be with You," we covered the importance of embracing technology and training your team, but what else can we learn from a galaxy far, far away? The Star Wars universe provides valuable insight into standardized processes and collaboration.
Author: Kristen Psica
May the Productivity Be With You: How Hospitals Can Learn From Star Wars (Episode I)
In healthcare, productivity is crucial for managing labor costs and providing quality patient care. At ALTIUS, we offer benchmarking and operational improvement services to help hospitals work smarter, not harder. But what can we learn from a galaxy far, far away? The Star Wars universe provides valuable insight into technology, training, processes, and collaboration that can improve hospital productivity.