ALTIUS is proud to announce its new podcast series, ATLIUS Answers! Through this format, the ALTIUS team will bring thoughtful discussion to pressing topics impacting the healthcare industry, from performance improvement to employee engagement and management education. The guests featured are service-line experts, healthcare leaders, and industry innovators that provide a fresh perspective and offer proven strategies to enhance efficiency and sustainability.
Tune in and join us for the first installment where ALTIUS CEO Stephanie Dorwart sits down with Mike Evans, principle and owner of Revenue Cycle Solutions, to discuss an array of current themes and how they ultimately relate to the importance of change. With healthcare being such a dynamic industry and having a current set-up that is unsustainable, organizations and their leaders need to open-minded and embrace change. Past practices need to be put aside and the future studied to determine the best approach for meeting growing demand moving forward. Mr. Evans’ expertise in revenue cycle and strategic planning is highlighted throughout the interview with pointed recommendations provided to promote more effective, coordinated services.
As Mr. Evans states, “there are two types of people: those that have been humbled and those who are about to be.” Which type of person are you? Be the proactive, forward-thinking leader that looks to educate and elevate and try this podcast now!
Altius Answers is available on the following platforms: