The old adage “there is no I in TEAM” holds true in how healthcare should be delivered. While it seems like a pretty elementary concept, it is amazing how so many organizations allow for siloed operations to take root. Given the complexity of modern-day healthcare, it is necessary for a collaborative approach: the sharing of knowledge, talents, and resources to provide patients with a great experience and positive outcome.
Too often care is not delivered seamlessly, leaving gaps for errors and inefficiencies. It has been proven time and time again that the most productive staff are those that work well together, remembering that one’s responsibilities do not end when a co-worker’s shift begins! Here are some quick tips for building a cohesive team within your organization:
- Be Respectful. A professional relationship should be like any other; there should be a healthy amount of push/pull or give/take. Be mindful of each other and be willing to assist to the best of your ability, with a positive attitude, when help is needed
- Don’t Pigeonhole Yourself or Others. Position descriptions and job classifications serve an important purpose, but don’t get hung up on the fine print! While everyone has primary roles and responsibilities to be held accountable for, it doesn’t mean that turning a blind eye toward other functions that may be falling behind or neglected is acceptable
- Every Task is of Equal Importance. Patients measure the success of their care based upon the experience as much as the outcome. Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether you are providing direct care or emptying the trash in a patient room, it is everyone’s responsibility to make sure that all duties are being properly executed and handled with a smile
- Take Pride in Each Other. A team is only as strong as its weakest member. Be flexible and supportive of one another. Build each other up by recognizing a job well done and be sure to communicate effectively. Improvement is a necessary part of growth, so don’t be hesitant to speak up when opportunities to better the current processes present themselves. Capitalize on them!
Productivity is a direct reflection of the staff’s ability to flex to volumes, work smarter not harder, and function as a team! ALTIUS believes in this approach to performance improvement and bases our Labor Management tools and consulting services around helping other organizations realize the benefits of successful collaboration. If you would like to discuss more about team building and its link to enhanced productivity, patient satisfaction, and employee retention or if you are interested in learning more about our services, please reach out!